Clean with Me – Daily Morning Cleaning Routine - Flylady System

Clean With Me – Daily Morning Cleaning Routine

Hi, welcome to clean with me, or you can also call it a daily morning cleaning routine. I like to do this morning cleaning routine on the weekdays and sometimes on the weekends. But usually, on the weekends, my cleaning routine is a lot shorter, and in return, my house gets a lot messier by the time the weekend is over.

This is my morning cleaning routine that I’ve been working on since I completed the Flylady’s 31 Baby Steps. I’ve tweaked the Flylady’s Baby Steps to make them work for my family and my lifestyle.

Is this the “perfect” routine?

Does my morning look like this every day on the weekdays? No, it’s impossible to have the “perfect” routine, but I strive to do the best that I can and now let’s get motivated.

Morning Cleaning Routine

I start my morning cleaning routine right after we have our breakfast, and my kids ran off to play.

The first thing that I like to do is to unload the dishwasher if I didn’t get a chance to do it while preparing breakfast.

Then, I’ll put my apron on and the wireless headphones that I got from Amazon. I’m in LOVE with the apple’s headphones. Many of you might know that I love to clean when I listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks. But these headphones make cleaning a lot more enjoyable because I can move around freely without accidentally pulling my headphones off.

Apple AirPods with Charging Case: (affiliate link)

After I unload the dishwasher, I’ll do a quick breakfast clean up. That’s when I’ll bring all the dishes to the sink, wipe the kitchen counter, table and load the dishwasher.

When I finish the breakfast clean-up, I head straight to my bedroom. This is when I’ll make my bed unless I made my bed before starting breakfast.

Then, I’ll do a quick hot spot clean, which is a quick pick-up around my room. I’ll make sure to put the clothes in the hamper, put the chargers away, and put other random things back where they belong.

After the hot spot clean, I do the swish and swipe. The swish and swipe is a quick clean-up in the bathroom. This is where I’ll wipe the toilet, give the toilet a quick swish, and quickly wipe the mirror, counter, and sink.

When I was going through the FlyLady’s 31 baby steps, I would do a daily swish and swipe in both of our bathrooms. But, I had a hard time keeping up with regular cleaning in both bathrooms. So, I changed my routine to cleaning both bathrooms on Monday. Then I would quickly clean one bathroom per day for the rest of the week, except on the weekends.

After the swish and swipe, I would go to my kid’s room to make their bed and pick up any clothes that my kids sometimes leave on the floor. Then I’ll throw in a load of laundry.

The next couple of cleaning tasks is what I’ve been trying to include in my daily/weekly routine. So, I’ve incorporated my weekly dusting and vacuuming tasks into my daily routine by working on the weekly cleaning tasks one room at a time. Today, I dusted and vacuumed our office room.

My biggest struggle is getting the weekly cleaning tasks done. Let me know down in the comments on how you balance the daily and the weekly cleaning. Do you like to focus on one room at a time, or do you have a specific day when you dust, mop, and vacuum?

Thank you for stopping by!

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