Flylady Baby Steps Day 9 - Let's Rescue a Room

Flylady Baby Steps Day 9 – Let’s Rescue a Room

Welcome to Flylady baby steps day 9 for getting your home and life in order.

For Day 9, we need to continue working on our Flylady Baby Steps:

  • Shine Your Sink (Day 1)
  • Dress to Shoes (I get dressed to socks) (Day 2)
  • Read Flylady’s Website/App (Day 3)
  • Read Your Post-It Notes (Day 4)
  • Make Time for Yourself (Day 5)
  • 2-Minute Hot Spot Clean (Day 6)
  • Clothes For Tomorrow (Day 7)
  • Work on Your Control Journal (Day 8)

Flylady Baby Steps Day 9

Today, we’re going to add a five-minute room rescue to our morning routine. Five-minute room rescue can be used in a couple of different ways. 

1) Pick a Random Room

You can either set a timer for five minutes to quickly pick up in one of the rooms in your house. For example, I like to do a quick room rescue in our living room because that’s where my boys want to play 99% of the time.

Our living room can get pretty messy and embarrassing if somebody rings the doorbell. 

2) Pick the worst room in your house

Or, set a timer for five minutes to work in your worst room in your home. That one room that you want to close when guests arrive. 

Flylady Baby Steps Day 9 - Let's Rescue a Room
The worst room in my home that needed to be rescued.

A couple of years ago, in the video, our office/studio was the room that I wanted to avoid walking in. 

Now the office/playroom is the room that I’ve been avoiding.

This is very embarrassing for me to show, but I’ve had a tough time keeping up with the housework since having my baby. 

I would try to keep things moving by doing the most important homemaking tasks: cooking healthy meals, keeping up with the dishes, doing laundry…etc.

So some rooms clearly didn’t get much of my attention which is why I’m revisiting the Flylady baby steps method so I can get my home back in order. 

Making progress with the room rescue
Making progress in the rescuing. I can finally see the floor!

My Mistake in Decluttering

My other mistake(before restarting the Flylady baby steps) is doing everything in the playroom at once. I got overwhelmed by how disorganized our playroom got, so I wanted to declutter and clean the room from top to bottom.

After cleaning for hours, I got distracted with other more essential to-dos and kept putting the playroom on the bottom of my priorities.

Instead of a cleaning marathon, I should have taken small baby steps to get that room back to a clean state. But I took everything off the shelves and never got the chance to put everything back where they belong.

So I’m excited to get the room rescue back onto my day-to-day schedule. This time, I will get all of my kids involved with the rescuing on a daily basis.

A rescued Room
Rescued Room

O.H.I.O. Method

Flylady also mentioned an O.H.I.O. method, which stands for Only. Handle. It. Once.

Suppose you have something in your hand that you need to put away. Don’t just put it in another stack, basket or hide it in your junk drawer.

 Instead, put it right where it belongs, whether to throw it away, find a place for it, or donate it. 

Inspirational Quotes

I also want to share a couple of quotes.

One quote is what Flylady’s Granny would say “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

Another quote by Flylady: “You can’t organize clutter; you have to get rid of it.”

Flylady’s Books:

Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a good day!

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